I like the rugers have a redhawk and blackhawk both in .44mag. Main gun I open carry though is ruger stainless P90 .45. Of course those are all...
Hell I eat bait to though.....made lunch today from the left over I bait I caught but didn't use this morning.... [IMG]
To each their own but I can tell you you are missing out
Yea it's a good fish especially being it's a male. Slit the belly open to get the roe out(best part to eat) and was surprised that it was male....
havent done much fishing this month and gotta get back to work Monday so took the boy after some catfish yesterday evening.....of course it was...
Well floundering I am usually in only ankle to knee deep water right off the bank. Don't worry in the bay or bayou so much bc either you have to...
We are full open carry in MS and I carry both concealed and open often depending on situation. If I'm goin to a crowded type place where there...
Wait....what do you mean retro? Sounds like this isn't a common sight any more or something? Every truck on this hill has a gun rack in...
That's one thing always make me scratch head.....when people say things along the lines of hunting isn't natural or people aren't an animals...
This all comes down to the situation to me. Clearly I hunt and fish a lot and kill plenty animals so in most cases I support any legal hunting...
Obviously I have no problem killing and eating animals but to kill just to kill I've always been taught was wrong. Now I can't say I've never...
Wasn't referring to any peta tree hugging nonsense they just have a ton of odd rules. Various zones throughout the state with seasons and limits...
I know this is way off topic but on the circle hooks just to get a visual on if we are talking bout the same thing this would be what id call a...
I've seen circle hooks with the barb on the outside of the bend rather than inside but it's the circle hook that's the law not the position of the...
Not sure I know what hook you mean with the diff barb. Only thing I can think of is that mean a circle hook? Circle hooks were made mandatory...
Well I live about 20 min north of biloxi but the fish were in biloxi.....thought you had posted you were goin after some trout yourself not long ago?
A lone white trout in the pic too
Haven't paid the trout much attention but finally got after em this morning and they were where they are supposed to be. Pretty solid average...
Did the cookout thing at lunch at grandmaws and while there my boy said you know daddy you've went fishing without me a lot. So to the pond we...