Don't forget that a major thing that got Bin Laden riled up was the fact that we had troops stationed in Saudi Arabia while trying to save the ass...
Cause they are bumbling idiots who can't keep their talking points in sync? Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the Right... Here I am stuck in...
It [I]was[I] the law, but as of March 20 it is back to what it was: 180 days to get confirmed before having to step down. What he did was legal,...
Possible, but unlikely. If the President refuses permission to testify under oath, then a likely court battle would ensure that would take years...
Who is going to jail for lying?
The Patriot Act was a revision of several laws and policies. One of the provisions changed the previous law on appointing US Attorneys. They will...
Don't forget to bring religion into it. Me and Red always do that. That's a nice bridge, mac. How much you wantin for it?
Warf was indeed a most civil Klingon.
It was a Simpsons reference.
As long as we keep the Bear tax we will be safe.
That's your issue right there. I love the mortgage interest deductions on my house.
Haha good catch.
Why were they trying to avoid Congressional oversight? Have you seen the circus on display that is "Congressional Oversight"? I'd avoid it too....
Bah they'll just plead the fifth. Bastards!
So you don't find it odd that a group composed of majority Repubs jumped on Kerry's ticket early in the process? Here, I'll spell it out for you.....
How is this subverting checks and balances? The power to appoint US Attorneys without Congressional approval is in the Patriot Act, and it passed...
I'm not a rightwinger, and I think wiretapping American citizens without a warrant is wrong. Alberto Gonzalez is a piece of garbage to me. My...
And allowing your political rivals to ask you questions under oath is criminally stupid. Especially about firing someone legally.
Done. Enjoy your lunch.
Or maybe you are telling a bunch of political hacks in congress to kiss your ass? What crime are you referring to? The right of an employer to...