Lee for mop up. Wonder if he'll throw.
There's your blitz.
Stacy catches that pitch, that might be a big gainer.
Should have colored this Blue. :grin:
Blue scores his first.
Ridley's holding on to the ball for dear life. :)
Well, we had to make a two score game. Next time we should go for it.
3rd quarter went by quick. We're only on our 2nd possession.
I think the announcer is watching the wrong game.
Shepard caught one. Geaux.
Tolliver didn't even run a fade route. He ran to the endzone and stopped. I guess it was supposed to be a jump ball. But it was still underthrown.
Drat. Needed to stay inbounds.
Broadcast it. I might listen.
I'm on directv. Reception is great. High def.
There goes the shut out.
That wasn't a horse collar. He grabbed jersey, not the back of the shoulder pads.
Unless he throws his signature pick 6's. :shock:
Well, I don't know about aviation but that is the definition of insanity. :lol::lol: