For YOU, Yes!:lol:
Like our politicians I haven't read the law!:lol: I have no problems with any of this after given my examples of just how bad some illegals are in...
The employers would have nothing to do with it if the Fed enforced their own laws. I'm not taking up for employers either just pointing out how...
Re: BOLD PREDICTION FOR '10 SEASON I have been trying to say just the reverse of what you have said here and NO ONE cares. I am talking about the...
This is why I have said that we need political reform.
Re: BOLD PREDICTION FOR '10 SEASON It was really intended as a joke but however they were caught was obviously not enough to address the problem...
Re: BOLD PREDICTION FOR '10 SEASON Sounds like we need regulations on government employees.
Link News Headlines Quote: Current economic policies are not sustainable and the world faces doom because "the governments are taking over",...
The point being that you claimed I was against federal agents but I have complained about the abuses of power in only 3 operations. That is...
I have not defended Koresh at all and have stated so in this thread many time, what I have objected to is the way this was handled in the many...
I have blamed Clinton for Waco and Elian Gonzalez. and Bush 41 for Ruby Ridge. I never blamed or said Clinton was responsible for OKC. It was a...
Obviously you didn't read the evidence I have posted on the prior page. Edit to insert link with information....
That is false, I never have said that.:) You are assuming just like Okie did. I didn't say that Bill Clinton caused McVeigh to become an...
I agree but at the same time the government can not operate the way it did with, Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc or you will have people in this country...
I disagree with you, you have said that I have made excuses for Mc Veigh, seems to me that you have put words in my mouth. I don't appreciate that...
I have already answered all the questions I have had and proved them with links and background information. I have also said that I didn't excuse...
You are right i didn't address that because I was still responding to your other post. Well you didn't give me the proper amount of time to do it...
Whats up with you? You are so impatient? I am not on here all night I just got home. I have to take my children to school and do other things...
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me see the Elian Gonzalez case. Yet again I disagree with the tactics used in this case by the...