Yeah but don't tell my wife, she'd be pissed.
Im voting for Rudy. He is known for producing results in whatever he does. With all of the crap going on in the world today, who gives a damn if...
Hey don't worry guys the government is there for you.
Got promoted at Best Buy did ya? I told you selling those product plans would get you somewhere.
I don't buy this theory. Personal sentiments do not factor into the success of aggressive military action, only the occupation. This can easily be...
So if we are nicer to the people who stone gays, kill (the women) adulterers, explode at random moments in crowded markets of innocent civilians...
Somewhere in the sarcasm I am missing your point. When in recent history have we actually had direct possession of possibly the largest oil field...
Yes, you are correct. That may have been the wiser approach. I've always thought Iraq was just a beachhead into a larger political conflict....
No, I wouldn't say that is our biggest problem with Iran, although what you mentioned is a problem for sure. Our problem is that Iran has the...
Victory in Iraq is achieved by denying Iran the ability to obtain control of Iraq and its vast oil fields. This is done either through direct...
Black Gold. Texas Tea.
Now that I would pay to see.
So in your view it is perfectly ok to say, kidnap a dog and torture it to death?
Who cares what Donovan does? Obviously he is doing something right. I'm pretty sure championship coaches don't scheme in personal spite for the...
With razorblades attached for more damage? You guys are missing the point. Yes, violence occurs in nature and is a natural and necessary part of...
I didn't know they taught deductive reasoning at a Baseball School like Ole Miss. [IMG]
The difference is choice. The fighters choose to fight and they are usually rewarded for it in some way. Violent sports are a wonderful thing to...
I wasnt talking about you. I respect your opinions because they consist of some degree of critical thinking and are well presented, even though I...
Poor ethics to whom, though? The people who don't like him perceive poor ethics. The people who do like him do not. I would consider any...