I have my bro-in-law bring them in from Louisiana. He has a very large cooler that he can hold up to about 300lbs in. If you need to get them in...
The problem is that we are looking at yet another Turd Sandwich vs. Giant Douche election. Aren't there any good candidates out there somewhere?
You are shifting the topic. I know the war started with Bush. Your original point was that he went half-cocked with no popular support. My point...
So then why did most of the Democrats cast a vote authorizing the use of force against Hussein? Oh wait, they were tricked. I also guess that it...
Don't let facts get in the way of political indignation.
There's a thread on it in the FSA.
I like to shoot the birds and have a BBQ. Makes my Mexican housekeeper really nervous.
The illegal Mexicans in Texas are the worst. Unfamiliar with the rules of the road? Check. No insurance coverage? Check. Always driving...
Yeah, that's why I started doing a boil myself in Dallas. Can't find good boiled crawfish anywhere around here. Some places like Razoos attempt...
Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like the prices are good. I usually get them from Shavers in Shreveport, who brings them in from Lake Charles....
I'm having a boil next weekend and having my bro-in-law bring it in from Lake Charles. How is the crop at the moment? Expensive? Size?
I work for a "for-profit" specialty hospital that is attached to a massive "non-profit" one. The non-profit uses a variety of techniques to make...
I'd be for it as well. I was listening to some guy on the radio who is the big proponent of this, and has a book out explaining how it would work...
They worked for it, they keep it. What right does the govt have to determine how much money is too much for one family to have? And why do we...
I never said the top 1% create most of the jobs in the country. I said the rich create a high percentage of jobs in the country. Of course the top...
Evidence? Have you ever been given a job from a poor man? Or from the Government? Nope. Poor people don't create jobs. Neither does the govt (it...
Type it out as a slogan. Then people will understand.
Bottom line: the rich are the ones who create jobs and pay the majority of the taxes. Not the Government. We should encourage people to get as...
2004 is a make-or-break election because we need to create one America again. And that is the one thing George Bush will never do. Dividing us...
Shall we start with John Edwards "Two Americas" and work from there?