This one is strange. I thought that after Keys decommited than there would definitely be an offer on the table for Harris, but apparently that was...
All the articles I've read the last few days pointed to the number 16, so do you think the next two will be?
I hope you're right. I hear Francois has some grade issues to work out, do you know if this is true? I just can't see Jackson coming passing on...
The whole Harris thing was a bit baffling. Coming out of the Summer camps everyone was saying that Saban loved this kid and that he was a shoe-in...
two. 16 seems to be the magic number, so who will it be? Francois would be great, DeSean Jackson seems very who do you think it will...
I totally agree. Unfortunately, there was a Babineaux on the field in the Outback Bowl and he was playing for Iowa...that's just not right!
The Harvey Williams saga was quite humorous. Remember he was on his way to the announcement and heard the A&M fight song and then decided to go to...
I can't say I blame the UT folks for being somewhat perturbed. Think about if the top RB prospect in the country said he was coming to LSU,...
I can't access that site because of the gestapo-like IT folks at my work. Has anyone else other than Perrilloux faxed in their LOI?
I totally agree on the neutral site issue. Can you imagine LSU playing USC at Dudy Noble Field in Starkville or Texas playing OU in College...
Ooops, my bad! I totally forgot about Roth's flipping off incident.
Chow's salary... I thought so too. I swear I heard on the Orange Bowl he was making between $800K to $1 million. Now, I could be very wrong on...
Those excerpts were from an article written on 12/31/04. Here's a link to what Saban is paying his assistants:...
I found this on in an article on the Vikings assistants pay: For now, the only offseason coaching position that must be...
Yep, it's sooo ignorant and off-base that Dunbar, Edwards, Campo and so many others have jumped from the NFL to LSU! Take off the blinders.
I just find it hard to believe that any current NFL assistant coach unless fired or let go do to a HC change would jump ship from the NFL and go...
by Mike Detillier which is in the Houma Courier. The more and more I hear these guys from Iowa and the respect they've shown LSU, the more I...
But she was basically run-off by JJ & Ben because of all the ridicule they gave her, especially when they had the Tiger Pause segment. She got...
I've always liked Brando for a few reasons: 1) Every chance he gets he tries to promote schools or players from the state of Louisiana 2)there...
What's sad is that IMO Memorial Stadium could be a really decent stadium, especially for high school football. But it's been neglected for so long...