It's one of those things where even if he didn't explicitly do it, he had a team of people around him who are really conducting themselves poorly....
Right and that's the thing. These guys do exactly what that guy was doing and then say, "we were cooperating". that asshat was not cooperating....
I just don't think the south cares as much about basketball.
That's the article I was referring too. I just don't see it man. according to those witnesses, these cops were just pepper spraying people who...
So we're supposed to believe that this guy was walking away from a situation as he was told by the police, doing everything he was supposed to do,...
Carter is highest on my wish list and probably the least likely of all those you listed. I think he's going to be special.
Sounds like a guy that we'll finish in second for. It's just tough to pull a guy like that last minute. I hope we can though.
He'll probably win. People love him here.
He's underrated which is impressive because he's a top 100 guy. The bias is real.
I think he is too. He's one of those guys that says he's not committing unless he knows and a verbal means something to him. Besides, how could...
It's been a weird recruiting season. I almost feel like on signing day we're going to be trying to switch guys who are pledged to McNeese St....
Just another note, that 2010 O-line he coached at Auburn was unreal. I mean Cam was obviously fantastic but the O-Line was the key to that...
Jeff Grimes it is.... I like it
2011 was the greatest regular season ever. Not sure how it can be on a list of greatest seasons when I would take any other season where the team...
Some of you guys are hoping for a wow factor. It's an ol coach. What would be a wow factor? Anyone with wow factor is moving up to DC or already...
Throw me some wisdom here. What is the big difference? Is it just that tackles have to face speed rush so they need the quick feet where as...
I'm kinda surprised we don't have a hire in place yet. I'll be shocked if we don't have one by this time next week.
Who says they are. Alabama has already lost at least two maybe more. It's just part of it.
It's the right move for Hill
This game was over when Ingram fumbled. Good thing for me as I'm taking kids to monster trucks tonight.