I wonder if Corley ends up at Bama? I've been working out of the office for a couple weeks now so I'm not getting the usual gump propaganda. Would...
QB's too....see Dan Marino.
I'm shocked that McKnight hasnt been more effective at USC. I watched him play in Birmingham against Hoover and he won that game for Curtis almost...
Dude, Alabama does not have a suitable off campus venue. They tore the upper decks off Legion Field several years ago. I dont know what the...
Damn straight! :thumb: You can never understand the problem until you live it in real life. I had no clue about how medicare worked and the crap...
If you want to save billions of dollars on health care just start with that criminal enterprise known as medicare! My mother-in-law has been sick...
Oh my phucking gawd. You are witnessing right here the limousine liberal seeds of socialism. I work for a big company but I'm and independent...
I cant tell you how good it is to know we are getting into one of these kickoff games after all the garbage I hear from the gumps. They brag on...
Rotating the game sounds like a nice idea but forget about Bham. Unless you want the game played in a $hit hole located in the hood its out.
Re: "Mount" Cody runs a 4.7 forty? It wont matter anyway. You can prove him wrong all you want and he will just make up some other shiit to...
There is no defense for this proposed legislation. Only a naive fool would endorse the nonsense that is noted above. I dont think we have that...
Stein is right, the more information that comes out about this bill the more Americans will oppose it. I was hopeful for Obama in the...
I used to think Beck was an off beat character but his predictions on many of the issues we are seeing now have been quite insightful. He...
There is no way this steaming pile of crap will be passed. There has to be enough Dems against this thing to put a stop to the insanity.
The head office of Acorn should now be referred to as Kremlin West.
Assuming there was no editing done to the video is what I mean.
I always thought bugs bunny, coyote and the roadrunner, foghorn leghorn, daffy duck, tweety bird, porky pig, etc. where Looney Tunes which is why...
WTF? There has to be more to this story. That is a bizarre situation if it happened like its portrayed.
Re: Breakdown of our 20 commitments so far After the final 30 days of last years recruiting season and the signing day nail biting I have sworn...
I've been traveling a lot and listening to NFL radio on Sirius so everything I am hearing is from there. Seems like the owners who wanted Vick...