Our little old town of New Bern is right up there in the hug a thug pantheon. I’ve needed police action three times. Our cars were keyed, T-bone...
Did any of you notice the expressions on the generals’ faces during Trump’s statement? Talk about the last place in the world they wanted to be....
As of 2:30 EST, the air line industry seems relieved, earlier today there was no one over either the Gulf, Iran, or Iraq: [IMG]
Oil prices in free fall! As predicted!!! [IMG]
I think we can let it go. my wife and one of adult daughters fight all the time. They are a total genetic match, and they have to have the last...
A pretty limp dick attack. Those base are way spread out and those ballistic missiles aren’t very accurate. Yeah, we could have had the right...
Damn, that joke is both disgusting and old, but I am laughing like a MOFO!
Well then pull out of Shitville and we’ll be good to go.
Out of a sense of duty, and I suppose closure, I went to see the damn movie last weekend. Regrettably, low expectations were not met. These...
I’d pay an additional 50 cent a gallon to be done in the quagmire of the Mid East,.. Hell, a dollar a gallon, or more.
Got to tell you, I’m thrilled that Jerry Jeudy has played his last down against us. Thrilled.
Not anymore, not now. That’s the problem, all these wonks are stuck in the petro environment of 30 years ago. Massive changes in the last 10 - 15...
All these assholes keep talking about the dire consequences if we are “kicked out” of Iraq. All of those BS statements are based on everything...
Thomas Friedman, in the January 3d, NYTimes wrote an OPED piece about Suleimani. Interesting take. I know sometimes those columns are not...
What I find annoying, is how few accolades are being given to the US intel/military community for tracking and then killing this MOFO. That is...
I was working Mediterranean/Mid east intel at the time. This is a no shitter!
I keep an eye on the AZ Cardinals (I taught a guy that plays for them). PP7 gets very little love out there and a lot of hate.
I’m afraid Tua is done. If he comes back, he will probably get hurt, again. An NFL team, with urgent need for QB, couldn’t take such a chance. An...
I wonder what a girl would do to keep a guy who was looking at literally tens of millions dollars in a few short years? Damn!
Thought you guys would like this one: [IMG]