Against my better judgement: Shane, what are your thoughts: Case 1: Suggesting to an ally, through various channels, that they needed to...
That's is where I was last election, too! I've about given up hope!
I’m with you, until voting for him, Never. Unfortunately it’s looking more and more like I’m sitting out 2020. Probably spend the time I would...
Remember, many years ago, some reporter asked Herschel Walker if he quit football what would he do. Without missing a beat, “I’d go home and pump...
The parade ought to wind its way to the airport, with so many leaving and all that . . . .
"You’re a bunch of dopes and babies." One of the best what?
I watched that and really liked it. Those guys, with no pressure and not being screamed at by 50,000 fans, really appeared to have a handle on the...
Yeah, but he’ll probably get his home renovated by Chip and Joanna Gaines!
On a positive note, we are comparing the Brady offense to . . . .well, a pretty Neanderthal approach. I would wager that pretty good will be way...
Actually, I expect Cam is done with football . . . At least as we know it. The QB that replaced him may have more interceptions than completions,...
The Panthers are shit. Can’t believe he would go there. The “w” word comes to mind, but I’ll pass for now.
Just thinking about a football movie and this board got me laughing, dayum!
I believing processing ability is the most important skill. We have seen first hand guys that process like an old 8086. Brady is at least a a...
There is, but it’s a time away, wish were closer.
Thanks for the post. Clemson is my #2 team, Dabo is great, but I’m more a Danny Ford kinda guy! See y’all next year.
Here’s some red meat to you guys: [IMG]
I love it. That kid, even after lawyers healthy cut, will be a billionaire. He made it the old fashioned way, too!
I liked, “The Stone Age didn’t end because we ran out of stones . . . .’
Thomas Friedman is on a roll! 1/8/2019 NYT When I step back and get some distance on this latest clash between President Trump and Iran’s...