I think the opposite could be true. If this thing was running through the state for more than a couple weeks (incubation period) and people...
I mentioned yesterday that Pence’s "news briefing" sounded like a North Korean toady. Pretty disgusting. I always have said/thought, if you are...
Don’t want to jinx it, but is anyone watching the Dow?
I got some gummies as well as liquid today. About $16 on Amazon, I have prime so no shipping. [IMG]
"MEDCRAM" on YOUTUBE is a near daily Coronavirus update. Measured, balanced presentation. Recommended to me by a physician.
Mayor Pete is said to be bowing out. He had hoped for a come from behind win.
Thank you. Fortunately I misread your post. I read "Vitamin C." I’ve been on D for over a year. Cardiologist put me on it for "depression." Yeah,...
What is NNT? And, how long do you need to take 4000 IU Vit D, before it starts to help? I’ve been hitting it hard since the first of the year....
Unfortunately, there is a lot more about the spread of the corona virus than the stock market. Sure, that is Trump’s one and only metric/concern,...
I’m pretty close to 70+.
I know a lot of you guys think highly of President Trump. We can disagree, pleasantly. Do you feel comfortable with President Trump’s news...
If, erhhh, when, we start getting nationwide infections, the Dems will air, continuously Trump’s many statements about what a beautiful job he has...
It will not rebound until we know the extent and scope, both in th US and around the world. Stock of Netflix and Peleton are both up.
I neither could nor would!
As most of you know, I did not and will not vote for Trump. Well, maybe I won’t. I could vote for Bloomberg, Biden or Klobuchar and I could...
I worry way too much about the corona virus, But look at it this way. Assume all 2500 fatalities are in Wuhan (they are not) but in a city of 11...
Speaking of China . . . Back in the early 70’s, at USNA, there was a near endless list of items we had to regurgitate when asked. Most of them...
There’s sometimes a fine line between confidence and arrogance.
I like Pete, but he could certainly give new meaning to the controversy surrounding “taking a knee."
Not anymore. Used to have 5 in the house when my daughters were in the house. We have downsized and get rid of more stuff every day. Normally not...