But why don't you give Mett his first td of this awesome season? I don't understand it. He is part of the team. Les put him in to take a knee in...
I am still trying to figure out why Mett's td wasn't reviewed. Atleast give Mett a td.
I can see the headlines....clock management.
Why did we take a knee? Field goal? anything?
Atleast one of these talking heads are not on the bama fan wagon.
bama's score was 52-7 so we have another td to go
Can you call a game in the start of the 4th. I mean they aren't coming back.
whatever I like the crystal ball. sorry, have somewhere to go so I can't play games with you.
I am not who? I am so very confused. Yes, I can do whatever the hell I want.
arky 14- 10 in the 2nd quarter I refuse to watch as every team I root for seems to go down (except LSU).
I am the jinx. I said it. Every time I turn off this game GS scores a td. I am not watching this game anymore and maybe just maybe Bama will lose....
nope, live streaming it through ESPN
Holy shyt. GaSouthern just ran for a 82 yard td against BAMA:hihi:
Just win LSU. Take care of business. I don't care who we play in the NCG.
That is all we can do.:LSU231:
Why, why would you even type this?
Adios boys, I am going to find comfort food.
Okie, you are breaking my heart. I really thought I didn't have one.
anyway it is a rematch. We already played both bama and the ducks
Bama...damn rematch