You need to start with the 2004 report to get the proper perspective on the flow of events. Its like walking into a movie half way through and you...
Of course he was wrong and bull headed. I will be the first to admit he "puffed the goods" too but, your bias refuses to admit there is no...
I quit reading right there. :lol:
Which proof is not acknowledged by the Democrats in the Senate who would want to pin this point on Bush in a big way. There are no corroborative...
Whats revisionist about the Senate Intelligence Committee reports that came out in 2004 and 2008? They are the most authoritative reports...
This is exactly right but everyone gets sucked into the media driven "Bush Lied" mantra and automatically assume it as truth when the facts state...
You're right fanatic. Bag phone circa 1980's and TI-99 computer. The other pic I posted is a Commodore 64 computer. I've owned all 3.
Incorrect. You need to read the senate intelligence committee reports instead of the news media.
Lets get on with it....In 2002 Pelosi said on Meet The Press: So even though Saban's fan sig quote is from 1998, she was saying the same thing...
Thats a top! Used to wrap string around the thing and throw it while the string unravels making it spin like crazy! Cant believe nobody has...
Actually, statements like this from pelosi happened within 6 months of the war in Iraq and not just 5 years before. SabanFan is spot on in...
WINNER! :thumb:
He must be good. Local paper this morning said no suspension. Anyone surprised?
This is a good one, my grandmother had one of these. [img]
And another [img]
What about this? [img]
This? [img]
Ding...Ding...Ding...We have a winner! Most excellent post on the state of music creation as its defined today. We had a lengthy discussion on...
I was being sarcastic dude, hence the roll eyes emoticon. Its all good.
And this is news how? Everyone already knows all big social programs the government runs is either broke, going broke or broken. Health care...