The same way Obama did since he suggested being in 57 states. YouTube - Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States Also...
House, Senate leaders finalize details of sweeping financial overhaul Key House and Senate lawmakers agreed on far-reaching new financial rules...
Fixed it for ya!
BP Based Spill Plans on Outdated Government Models - Interesting article
Judge Faces Death Threats After BP Gulf Oil Drilling Moratorium Ruling
Harris: Obama knew of Blagojevich plot :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich A top aide to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich said he believed Barack...
I guess I didn't get it the first time around so now I do. That sentence distressed me greatly!:lol: I totally agree, I blame Bush and the...
First, I have said we haven't had any good leaders since Reagan and their still is none in sight. Naturally I think most people are wrong here....
You forgot the federal government is going to sue Arizona over their law. What are suppose to believe about this? That the Feds are backing up...
Its probably a good thing you did because as far as I'm concerned he is talking to himself! Simply because this administration was this oil...
This radical administration wants to reimpose the drilling moratorium. Link below Salazar seeks to reimpose drilling moratorium
I don't know how accurate the huffington post is since it is a left wing site but I probably wouldn't dispute it anyway. I think I would probably...
I totally agree with you and that is why i have stated over and over and over, in this forum that without Political reform nothing is going to...
Or the birds killed by windmills! While we are talking about it! Edit: I luv Pelicans btw! Robert Bryce: Windmills Are Killing Our Birds -
Its funny that people keep bringing up windmills. We have to do away with this kind of thinking. Windmills are bad, they kill birds and are...
Well people certainly didn't elect Obama because of this policies. He clearly stated that he had planned to mold the country in his image by many...
Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? - IBD - When Adolf Hitler was building up the Nazi movement in the 1920s, leading up to...
A classic example of the average persons standard of living in decline. The politicians and other people with power and money don't have to live...
I am really frustrated and I know it shows here. It makes me sick to see the images on the net of the gulf, coast and the animals knowing that the...
Why is thia? Is it because a warmer state uses more energy than a cooler state? What are the reasons behind this? I blames the left and the...