Considering I have Texas plates, a USM sticker, and an LSU badge on my vehicle, I think it would confuse the vandals long enough to make my move....
I think it would be cool if they blocked off a section of 32 seats (or more if needed unfortunately) and place a rose or something on each to pay...
Interesting stuff. A Harvard researcher has found that THC reduced lung tumor size and helped prevent the cancer from spreading. I wonder if the...
In a logical, thinking world this may be true. But we did just witness Imus getting fired over a stupid joke, so anything is possible. Facts and...
If she had language in her contract gauranteeing that money, then she should get it. Otherwise she needs to go away. But seeing as she has a...
Worst... Topic.... EVER! [IMG]
If only they made Google easier to use for the masses. Damn those complicated search engines <shakes fist>
I don't know if Job is the best example of God having your back. Job got screwed by God in the most extreme way, just to prove a point to Satan....
I wasn't saying that all Muslims want to kill infidels. I'm saying that is what the Koran teaches and is the example set by Muhammed...
Islam is only about peace with other Muslims. Non-muslims are either to be destroyed, or to be conquered and ruled as second class citizens.
I think you got your "isms" crossed here. Atheists don't pretend to know the origins and workings of the universe with absolute certainty. Where...
I agree. Each state should let the voters decide what practices it would like to be legal, as long as it doesn't conflict with the Constitution....
So then would you would support the Medical Marijuana clubs in several states that have been made legal by voters of that state, but get shut down...
Yeah, thats how things are these days. No evidence is tamper proof.
The British have satellite photos, GPS Data, and the data from the vessel that they were boarding. There is no dispute.
Illegally kidnapping another nations troops in uniform without provocation is an act of war. However you are correct: dropping bombs is not...
I agree with Reds analysis. This type of charade is only going to wither support and sympathy for Iran. As for an oil blockade: I wonder if we...
The UN will now craft a strongly worded letter telling Iran how mad they are.
Dont forget the "Flying Imans" who are suing the people who reported their suspicious activity in the airport. I consider that sabotage, and these...
If there was a "God of Abraham", Im pretty sure he would hate Muslims as well. Actually, maybe not. He did do some messed up stuff to innocent...