Silly New Yorkers
True..owners could just go the "I'll choose to ban smoking route" but it is HARD to get people not to smoke. They were pretty dumb...
Hmm...this is true..I have a single shot snake charmer that I can hide in the TP roll. I'll go with that.:thumb:
This is thing…I bartended in bars that were smoking and bars that self banned smoking. When leaving the former, I left smelling so bad that I had...
I keep a .38 in the kitchen, but come to think of it I don’t have anything in the bathroom…except a emergency clip for my .40 in case I get...
Their need for a QB trumps the need to strengthen their secondary. I’ve been saying for a couple of years now that they are one QB away from being...
I’m doing some work on my house and I hired a guy to the floors. He was shocked that every room had a gun in it.
He was yelling due proceess violation yeah I think he would. From what I hear is is connected to Eslava, which was the real drive for all...
Well the “advise” that was given in the U.S. Code was passed by Congress and approved by a President before being recorded with the national...
Didn't say you should...I don't think there is even a punishment. It is just a standard. I was just typing that.... I was typing...
Water balloons are too much...violent threats are too much...but if you are holding a protest I reserve the right to counter protest.
Actually my link was from the U.S. Code...little more than rules that are just suggested for people who want advise.
If by proper you mean a policy that is not writing and was made up by people who want to do their own thing…then yes.
Looks like she was wrong... TITLE 36 > Subtitle I > Part A > CHAPTER 3 > § 301 Prev | Next § 301. National anthem (a) Designation.— The...
He allegedly stole the university flag (theft) and in the process cut the special cord that the flag was on (Criminal destruction of property) and...
I saw this coming from day one.
The speech said nothing about the troops,the whole ordeal had nothing to do with them or the war. Here is a copy of the speech ... "Funny...
All future LSU athletes should stay the hell away from the Giants
[IMG] You married up
I’m thinking the semi-pro thing is just something to keep him busy. He prolly runs 150+ every game.