Motor Bike (off road) is the way to go...roads will be blocked by cars and schite You're good here Go with the chain maill that they use for...
Good....then I can post about zombies in peace..well in peace while running from zombies.
DARN IT MARTIN!!!!! You’re fricking up my end of the world/rapture/zombie thread with all this THEOLOGY talk!
I think it is happening during the quake...shouldn't take long should be good Sunday. Just bring lots of ammo just in case.
Cool...I'll get my stuff ready. I've been preparing for the zombies ever since I've watched zombieland. That schite might work in the sea...but...
Trust the bible...not some wacko's interpretation of it. Cool, I'll be in my kayak in the flood waters outside my place at 6:00 with my sits...
CS...can zombies swim? I really need a confirmation on that.
Yes I have dude...the quake starts it, the world does end right away. There is like 40 days or something after the quake. I'm betting it I can...
Correct! It might happen…so let’s talk about the possibility of putting down some zombies…do those bitches swim? I’m thinking about taking to my...
You only need to remember one rule...DOUBLE need to be stingy with the bulliets. Those frickers are hard to put down. Check...
He is being a Mr. Sarcastic paints Mrs. Shane. Pay no attention to the atheist. Now back on I seed to get ready to bust some caps...
Huh....:confused: Well he was wrong once already.
I love you too... So should I use this as an excuse to buy the Shootrite Katana... [IMG] and this... [IMG]
I've must of missed the world is suppose to end Saturday? Should I get my zombie apocalypse kit out? ETA: Yes I know I mispelled...
Just wondering...what is the Pac - 12's breakdown now? Do y'all have two conference divisions and the winner from each plays in the championship...
See this is a part of my problem with not banning it cannot smoke ANYWHERE else but bars and casinos...why are these different?
and not a very effective weapon
Yeah...I have a .45 semi-auto in the top drawer of an old roll top desk that sits by my back door for banana trees too. Smart man