What about Ed Harris? He's been nominated a lot, but never won any real awards.... I always enjoy movies he is in....
You forgot "Aliens" : "GAME OVER, MAN!"
Me too. Tiger Forums makes it feel almost as if we're sitting in the Quad shooting this BS back and forth while waiting for a class.....ALMOST as...
Series - - Other wise they can't call it the College World SERIES. In fact, why not 3 out of 5? :geaux:
And that's all that really matters.
And we are all very grateful for their efforts.....
Les is like the uncle we all WISH we had. His pride in the accomplishments of Jones and Mitchell was genuine - and obvious. Sure glad he stayed...
They're not cliche', they're "classic"! Ok, then, how about something like these? [IMG][IMG][IMG] Flashy, but no little ball players on top. :wink:
They were so sure of a Texas victory that they didn't take any pictures of the TIGERS!
It seems to be that the SEC functions like a big family - we may pick on each other and try to bash each others' heads in, but we stick together...
Maybe not, but the Crystal Balls will do until an NCAA trophy comes along. And, for the record, that NCAA Baseball trophy wasn't all that...
He always has been . He used to write for one of the Denver papers when i lived there. He was a negative, whiney beach even when Elway was winning...
Yeah - he's REALLY out of town. At least I COULD drive to BR. :geaux:
me too. Thanks, Tigers! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!
Hey, Cali - now we know the steer in your picture is a Texas pitcher! That photo was from the sixth inning, I think. How many of them did the...
Glad I was able to share this GREAT season with all of you - it's tough when you are exiled from BR! An exceptional season comes to its logical,...
I don't usually say things like this - or even thing them, But Keyes deserves the pain. BYE BYE KEYES. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!
Last batter was barking at the ump - guess he didn't like the call. :geaux:
Just three more outs to go.... and speaking of go - GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!
Before I get all excited and forget to say it - THANKS, TERREBONE, for the great inning summaries. A big help for some of us who miss a few plays....