holy schit, i just had three heart attacks
i meant get keilmnad in the game, b/c poor scott is tiured running them over!!!! also cutrera nice missed tackle -- you arent going to arm...
we absolutely have no quarterback, it a freaking catastrophe-- everyone else is doing ok, and im happy with everything but two things:...
awesome video, thanks for posting-- one of thee days im going to learn how to do that with the music i choose-- i love that song!!! im nuts abou...
i am extremely nervous and a little pissed at certain aspects of the offense. +'s we can usually run it with scott up the middle,...
oh my god! its all over the local channels-- notre dame this and notre dame that- and there are back to greatness blah blah blah freaking blah,...
really like those highlight song you tube videos--- hopefully ill learn how to do them and come up with some of my own to some great music too....
hilarious article- i will post it locally on the south bend message boards!!!! thanks, keep them coming-- whats so sad , is its true how many...
the whole ND played lke crap paranoia is hilarious-- IE we dont want anyone to know how good we really are-- most teams use hte easy games as...
well at least you dont live in south bend like i do--- i cant stand notre dame, but at leat try and give my unbiased opinion. NOW, even the...
just b/c georgia didnt win by 40 points and played their 3rd stringers is why they jumped them-- plus USC played VA- prob better than ga southern-...
thanks, im going to try and make an ultimate youtuibe LSU video this year
keiland, murphy and scott and hopefully trindon are going to have a field day. appy state is fast and will try mainly 5-9 yard slants and hope...
i will have to admit, im sort of a specialist when it comes to notre dame- unfortunately i live in south bend- (not by choice) and proudly drive...
:geaux:lsu gonna kick some appy a$$!
i agree, about time he recognized the sec. about the only loyal sec promoter is freaking desmond howard! i guess we can accept herbie--- now...