just lost soudn again!
just got it back in time for the field goal awesome
just lost sound too
how did that holding penalty work out--- 2nd and 2? afte ra holding penalty? a little help-- i need video
come on JJ
yeah , thanks podkatt
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/swd-weekly-conference-call--dms-and-rms-only password is miketiger im paying it foward from a guy who gave it to...
espn requires that your ISP have a contract with espn in this case comcast doesnt not-- i know charter does
a great guy gave this to me a few games ago and i want to pay it forward:...
i agree-- after each game, i tell myself , hes only a freshman-- he will prob be good in another year and even better in two and really good in...
i hear verne has it in his contract, no more than 1 night game per year-- b/c he must have finished the early bird special by 430 and his desert...
give me a freaking break-- next time notre lame plays any school -- especially if in south bend, be sure to read the obits that day-- with all the...
now thats original and hilarious
well i guess notre dame losing, the day isnt a total loss. they mentioned how banged uo his kneww was-- torn acl, torn mcl, torn pcl, fractured...
LEE sucks balls and i dont care if i get negative points form the moderator-- b/c the moderator has to freaking agree!!!!!-- i shoudl get postiive...
run teh freaking ball
go for it
love the confidence-- first blows it then go back to him to recover
i wish ND would hurry up and start their game so BC can start whipping htem , so i can feel good about SOMETHING--- make the pain stop another...
their yards after contact on those kind of play are just ridiculous