Lyons at bat 1-0 1-1, fouled off 1-2, 2-2 2-2 fouled off 2-2 fouled off ground ball to second, out at first
Levitt flies out to left, one out
Landry at bat. 2 outs, runner at third 1-0 1-1 1-2 struck out - one man left, 3-0 LSU going to bottom of 1st inning
Ochinko batting 0-1 swing and a foul, 0-2 1-2 line drive, caught, run scores, runner advances to third 3-0 Tigers
0-1 Hanover Bunts - advances runners, out at first
2-0 LSU, no one out... 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 waaaaaay outside. Runners at first and second
wild pitch, Dean to second
Dean with a base hit, run scores, one on, no outs 2-0
Tigers take a 1-0 lead with no outs on a hit and run triple!
next game in about 45 minutes...
5th consecutive pinch hitter for LSU 1-0 1-1 Runner steals second, no throw 2-1 swing and a miss 2-2 ground ball to second, GAME OVER 11-4 Arkansas
back to back singles for LSU, Tigers have runners at the corners... 1 out... Fly out to left, run scores, 11-4, 2 outs
Fly to center, caught, side finally retired basses left loaded\ 11-3 Arky
Where's Chad Jones?
bases loaded, 2 outs 1-0 2-0 hit to left, runner scores, bases still loaded, 2 out
Cox at bat, 2 outs, runners at first and second 1-0 2-0 hit by pitch, bases loaded
10-3 Arky - 10 runs on 10 hits, runners at first and second, 1 out, popped out to catcher, 2 out
runners at the corners, 1 out fly ball - base hit, runner scores, runner to second - no throw.
Byrd in to pitch. just starting to warm up at the mound
two on, one out Gibbs out to talk to pitcher (Hey - there's a thought!) Alsup taken out - pitching change time out.