Not to derail, but this reminded me of the greatest pregame stunt of all time. Navy vs Air Force, Washington, DC, 1970. Rumors the President was...
That used to be one of my teaching graphics!
Based on the modern anti-Pilgrim movement, couldn't Queen's "We will rock you!" be considered a Thanksgiving song!
Hope it will get the team focussed and fired up. Especially the D. I’d bet the bank that it was the defensive egg we laid the week before as much...
Hillary Clinton goes to a gifted-student primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers question time. One little...
I’d like to see an EJECTION if a pass receiver, upon missing a catch, raises his hand in the drop a flag gesture. This is learned behavior from...
Ever since Jerry Stovall got shafted, the Heisman has lost all meaning.
I’m sure I’m old school but I don’t get “bugalooing” on the side line when your up 7 to Arky in the 2nd quarter.
Let’s Geaux!!!
I’ve ONLY seen 5 plays so far. 2 penalties, 1 sack, 1 long Arky pass, and a dipshit pass by Burrows. WTF?
You know, I’m up here in NC, and was not a grad, so I am sure that there are millions of details/facts that I’m unaware of. Having said that, “The...
If we give up a lot of points or yardage, we will fall out of #1. Heard a lot of talk this week about how poor the defense was last week. Can’t...
Agree. The cupcake games are worthless. The rankings math ought to reduce points by some amount if non conference team is ranked 50 or so places...
I would much rather win 21 - 0 than run up a bunch of points and give up more than 14.
48 - 20 Geaux Tigers
I think the average American would be absolutely astonished if they knew just some of the things that US military do on a daily basis. In...
Their problem, much like the GOP, is that to win the primary they have to adopt idiotic positions to appease the active wing of the party, that...
OK, I’ll ask. Why is that process called “reduced?” I know a lot of med terms make little or no sense to the average guy. So many people are...
Thanks. I started several times to explain, but never quite percolated to the top. I agree that mustard stuff sucks
For the LSU guys, Clemson has an awesome ice cream shop right on campus. Not a franchise, but school owned, sourced, and run. Welcome,...