So let me get this straight. They are condemning the tea party and yet have not condemned racism displayed by the Black Panthers. Interesting...
Michelle Obama Visits NAACP on Eve of Tea Party Condemnation - ABC News Quote: First Lady Michelle Obama brought renewed energy to the NAACP...
Funny thread here... How about this, I am against anyone or any party who supports some of the ridicules policies of the left today. This is what...
Another interesting article on a similar subject. This goes along with my theory of power companies regulating people's energy usage through...
No you don't. All one has to do is to read our discussions about throwing away your vote for a third party candidate. I WILL NOT re-debate this...
Good post Legacy Tiger. Let me take it a step further and point out that these things are only going to get worse as the Bush Tax Cuts expire this...
Couldn't help it, this gave me a chuckle. I am very much looking forward to football season. I need a distraction from current events for a while!
New tax reporting rules leave IRS to mop up Congress's mess - Jul. 9, 2010 NEW YORK ( -- With a new mandate looming that will...
Again negative but I'm quite surprised that is the best you could come up with.:dis: I mean as intelligent as you try and make out to be.:popcorn:
Re: Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax H No, I just think you are confused. Anyone...
Good post, the whole thing. Like I said earlier in this post this is happening to my friend. Although most would say I am pro business and...
Muhammad, Islam & Christianity — The guy in this video is talking about bringing a dirty bomb through Mexico.
Thanks for the information. I wasn't totally sure how that all worked.:redface: I think part of the problem is that myself along with others have...
Immigrant farm workers' challenge: Take our jobs - Yahoo! News SAN FRANCISCO – In a tongue-in-cheek call for immigration reform, farm workers...
When I said what I did I was referring about filibustering Supreme Court nominees. Republicans don't do it and Democrats do. The standard should...
For once I dunno?:):confused: I have read and heard Snopes was founded by liberals but I get conflicting information. Don't take everything at...
I won't dodge the issue but let me say that my neighbor isn't rich, he works at UPS and is a union member who works for Safeway. He is a Democrat...
Ok I get it now!:insane::lol: I disagree with your statement, it would be far worse for the country, Constitution and the Declaration of...
Agreed, I totally agree that the far right doesn't do themselves any favors when they do things like this. I totally get the picture of these...
I am not talking this year with a radical left administration in place. Even independents are leaving and filibustering these socialists. Yes to...