I don’t agree with succession either…however Texas succeeding from the United State is a complex scenario. They were the only state that was an...
As long as you are not a state actor (i.e. a school, police, political subdivision) and you eliminate the other guy's ability without breaking any...
No, I just want jackasses to take a little more pride and show a little more respect for what that flag stands for. I will never understand...
The constitution only protects the speaker from government interference. If I don’t like you message, I have the right to form my own protest, a...
Agreed, they absolutely interfered with a protest. For the record, I would preferred them ignoring it. However, they were well within their rights...
Well the liberals at the last teaparty at the capital were pretty enraged....
What we had yesterday was the abuse of the First Admendment by all parties. It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those...
By July 4th with out a doubt
They just disagree with how Hass chose to express himself. Is that wrong? Do they not have the right to assemble too? Where is it writing that I...
lsureveille's write up about yesterday On the news last night the blonde wearing the American flag top that was with Hass was interviewed and I...
Just saw this....no...in no way would I approve just because the burners message changes. I don't buy into the whole "it is a sign of how free we...
Did I chirp that before...I think I said then (though maybe not on here) that it would be a one score game. Correct, it was joke. I think...
Heaven to me would be tiger stadium, on game day, playing against Alabama, with the ability to purchase beer while in the stadium. That or a...
HERE WE GO!! I'm officially out..I promised myself I would not partake in anymore religious talk on here, I need to go read my daily devotions...
You have to get a burn permit to burn anything when the burning is not taking place on your property. Like in this case, when the burning is...
Looks like he actually didn't burn a flag because he didn't get a burn permit...according to The Advocate.
It is a lot easier to throw a water balloon at a flag burner then it is at a congress man. The later will probably get you locked up for life.
EXACTLY...finally someone gets it...I can go look at boobies in peace now :D