Mett won't start in that game. Ware is going to have a HUGE night.
LSU won't sweep State
I know...I fricked it up...but I know you are always there to drop some facts on me :D
Hence my above post to clarify what I meant... oh and...Dowitchers
Not a protected speech...hate speech may incite violence therefore it is not protected. Look it up. Understand I am using that term broadly…you...
Texas Radio Host on the topic...starts talking about it around the 23:40 mark. About 18:45 he talks to a caller about it... Michael Berry 05/12...
A dude on another site had this to say.. don't're not trying to won't ever get are obviously just arguing to argue at this point and you just keep...
Maybe I can clear it up for you... No, I'm saying we do have rights. This discussion has been on our right of free speech...which is the...
Or false advertisement, or hate speech, or obscene acts, or fighting words, etc....
DARNIT MAN!!!! I'm not saying make it illegal to...I'm not saying that they don't have a right to...I'M SAYING that as a matter of courtesy to...
Well, come to think of it…the following are ok to burn in my opinion if you are unhappy with the gov’ment. 1) Picture of the person that pissed...
Red where did you get this info? The only thing I can find is an old article on the huffingtonpost. It was determined there that it was a shift...
I'm sure someone could throw old Nick on that elephants back.
Water is getting high outside my house…looking forward to throwing a kayak in this weekend. I’ll post pics.
Strange though. When I’m picturing someone burning a copy of the declaration, I don’t really have any strong feelings at all. There is the...
Without legal training, most people don’t.
When I said I'm sure someone would correct me...I was talking about you. :yelwink2: However (and this is a rarity) you are wrong. At least...
That's the crazy thing Okie...I think they have legal standing, unlike the south the first time.