someone explain how 93k+ can fit in to a 92.6+ stadium record attendance- yippie
if we beat ala, how are we not the west champions- if our both our losses are from the east
ala strategy-- stop the run and make "pick six" lee throw it LSU strategy, dont let pick six throw it 3 and out ,,, nice way to start off
i agree , stretch the field, and run to setup the pass-- this isnt that complicatee-- throw to the outside and some timing routes down the...
it cant hurt-- we did the 2 qb system with hatch, so what if we do it with jefferson---
true but they can only do so much-- pick 6 is gift wrapping it
crown and 7 coming up extra strong
push it
whats wroing with hatch's leg
ok , go deep 3 times
he wasnt even going to catch it we just need to get out of the half NOW
wtf was that -- he couldve run that for a first-- wussy
im betting no more passes this quarter
so true
he tells his teammates i'm fine--- well after a few times the people dont want to hear it anymore
ufb--- this is gonna be a slopy second half run teh ball!!!!! its safe!!!-- id rther punt after a 3 and out and let the d help than have a...
that wasnt even close-- grab some freaking pine lee
are you freaking kidding me
umm can we tackle the guy
no SIR