Seems like a sucker bet. Florida cant help but score 10-12 TD's against Charlston Southern playing freshman. What a waste of a game, they would be...
Class act. Very humble to call his attention "hype from high school". We should be proud of having this kid at LSU.
I havent heard any juicy news. Now that football has started I wouldnt expect any. Season ticket sales are still slow but coming around, fans are...
Lowder was a meddling fool. Auburn will be better of without his meddling but worse off without his money. He was Auburn's biggest booster. The...
It makes you wonder doesnt it? I hope Bolt is clean and not juiced or HGH'ed. If he is clean he is defining a new era of sprinters. It stands to...
A couple shows on NFL radio have been slamming JaMarcus pretty hard. He supposedly reported at 260lbs and they played a few quotes from the coach...
Seems like a strange place for Vick to sign. Could be a favor for Dungy, its only a one year deal with a team option. Probably league minimum...
Tell me about it. We have a separate drug card (Blue R/X) and additional BCBS coverage for my mother-in-law. Who knows if this new plan covers...
On another note, Dale Earnhardt Jr has become the modern day Kyle Petty. He cant do chit. How many races has he won in the last 3 or 4 years? One?...
I like that guy. 50 year old dude wearing a pony tail, smoking stog's and drinking nightly. Thats my kind of golfer.
Its the payer's responsibility to monitor the payee's claims. Medicare is going broke because we dont have checks and balances to prevent these...
I've been thinking all summer the gumps are ripe to lay a turd in this game. Several new O-lineman & a new QB cant make for an easy transition. I...
Gotta luv it! Pitino bangin some bimbo on a restaurant table. Priceless.
Funny read and true about Saban but how has it hurt him? He is still raking in top players left and right. Recruits don't seem to care about the...
I love Andre Johnson, get him a top notch QB and he could have a 125+ catch/2000 yard/25 TD season. Hopefully the scrub they have throwing to him...
No team is going to sign Vick as their starting quarterback. He will be signed by a team that needs to strengthen their depth at QB or maybe a...
And a stupid fight to even have started. I would like to know who the brain child was behind this idiotic media policy. The commish himself maybe?
Ole strawberry face is pickled from the inside out. I think he outlasts Eunice.
Who the hell is that? EDIT: DUH...thats the Aub kicker who missed all those FG's. Nice...LOL
All fine entries to a pitiful pool of so called talent. However, no list would be complete without mention of Jon & Kate. They suck.