That would never happen in the states. Her electricity would have been off within three months.
a minute and 23 seconds? I guess I'm just weird.
You're going to have to give me an example of a civilian mistakenly shooting a cop.
This really just can't be posted often enough.
That's what I assumed. What she did would generally be frowned upon and would lead to some major slut shaming. But maybe there is more to it.
That's the main reason I think Marty's in on it, plus he has a violent streak to him. I don't think he's a mastermind or anything like that but I...
I'll be very disappointed if it does. I just don't think that's where they're going. Maybe mental illness or cult stuff but not supernatural....
I think Marty's involved too
they reset the sticks for every player. They're trying to gauge how high that player can jump not how high up he can reach.
That's weird. It doesn't show up on the combine website. It must have been at a pro day or something.
No but I know the names of the two tenth graders and ninth grader whose commitments we currently have. :D
Donald Washington. Ohio St. DB.... By the way, that's a cool website to show...
It's hard not to shake your head and laugh when you read that sentence.
Yeah, can't help but feel like we're falling behind there.
I know 38.5 is incredible but there were 12 guys who went higher. I thought he'd be top 5. Maybe 39.5 or so. Doesn't matter in the grand scheme...
38.5. I would have thought it would be a little higher but obviously that's pretty damn good.
It's amazing to me that anyone can argue that shouldn't have to have identification to vote. I don't pretend that republicans are coming from a...
Is this a joke? I mean, I understand the Dylan Moses thing but the qb position is much better. I wonder if they're trying to get this kid some...
Yeah, I almost bought that one around 120. It's just so damned expensive though. But I do think they'll do great things. If there's a pull back...
Guys like this are so important. FB's Long Snappers, kickers, etc. They aren't sexy from a rating stand point, but these guys are important...