Blake Dean at bat... 1-0 1-1 2-1 3-1 walked him.... two on, two out
1-0 1-1 hit to right, caught, Mitchell can't advance, 2 out
Mitchell - doubles, Gibbs scores from third, 4-0 Tigers, no one out
Nola - 1-0 bunts - out at first, runner to third with one out
Tigers at bat... Gibbs at the plate... chopped to first, over first baseman's head - Gibbs to second.
2 down, chopped to first..foul 0-1 1-1 fouled..1-2 swing and a miss, struck out - end of three, LSU 3*0
one away, 1-0 grounder to second, thrown out at first, two down
ARky at bat 1-0 fouled back, 1-1 chopped foul, 1-2 hit to left, foul fly to left, caught by Landry , one out
Landry's tapper ruled a hit - gibbs at bat pitch out. 1-0 2-0 2-1, throw to first, Landry back in time throw to first again - Landry BARELY back...
landry at bat tapper to the mound - not in time to first, Landry safe.
1-0 2-0 hit to left, caught, two away
Hanover at bat... 1-0 in the dirt grounded to short - one hop throw was JUST in time, one out
Scott Lyons at bat 0-1 grounded to short, throw was low but good, end of third, LSU 3-0
levitt at bat 0-1 1-1 long fly ball to right - foul ball (or would have been homer!) 1-2 blooper to short, caught, 2 away
Tiger batters seem to be taking a LOT of pitches...not a lot of swinging going on. Maybe they think Forest will revert to first inning...
2 out, no one on... 1-0 1-1 2-1 2-2 3-2 fouled over dugout. 3-2 struck out, Going to bottom of third, 3-0 LSU
Blake Dean at bat, 1 out, no one on 1-0 1-1 swing and a miss - 1-2 popped up - caught by SS, 2 out
Tigers back at bat 0-1 hit hard foul down the right, 0-2 1-2 2-2 grounded foul. 2-2 3-2 grounded to second, thrown out
runner at first, 2 away Hit to left, caught at the fence - end of first, LSU 3*0
2 outs 1-0 2-0 2-1, swing and a miss 3-1 3-2 fouled back grounded foul, 3-2 walked him!