Rich Rod is getting one more year. However, if he goes 6-6 and loses to tOSU next year, the honeymoon is over. CLM isn't going anywhere after...
Its a damn shame when I'm jumping up and down and yelling at the TV and actually agreeing 100% with both Vern "The Clueless" Lundquist and Gary...
Rogers Redding. :lol:
Aren't these the same recruiting services that rates Florida's, Bama's, and every other school's high school prospects? Are their players...
So it's seems like the fault for poor coaching never lies with our head coach Les Miles, but instead it's seems to always be the fault of the...
Re: Jefferson Tried to hustle his team off the field I hope so. When should I expect him at my door for mine? :grin:
Re: Jefferson Tried to hustle his team off the field Rep for truth.
Judging by recent performances and failures at the QB position, it's something that you have to question. Both of these guys were top QB's in the...
But are we on our way there? Nah, we've got a bigger stadium.
Re: Jefferson Tried to hustle his team off the field I saw it too. JJ was looking over at the sideline with a "WTF???" look at what he'd been...
I never though of this before, but it's definitely something to think about. Not that he would do it intentionally, but perhpas subconsciously?...
I'ts OK to bash JJ, just dont talk poorly of Jarrett Lee. People get upset. JJ's got some issues with mechanics, decison making, and pocket...
Honestly, in my mind the Arkansas game is light years away. At this point I can't predict a win or a loss. I know what the outcome should be...
Make no mistake, Miles isn't going to lose his job for the abysmal meltdown at the end of last season or the poor home stretch this year. I hope...
Sorry to see it happen to a talented player an good guy like KW. He'll definitely be missed. Here's withing the best to Ridley and hopin that RS...
And you are definitely entitled to your opinion just as much as I am. I generally respect it as one of the few voices of reason around this...
When we tought Leslie was headed to Big Blue a while back I wanted the same guy that I want now. Callit blasphemy, but I like Houston Nutt.
Please help me to understand what went on today. I have seen innumerable posts saying that he's a great guy, pretty good recruiter, has...
Coach Porter is a good coach and a fantastic recruiter. I wish him the best of luck in getting the promotion he deserves but would hate to see...
A company called Compass Box makes a few different varieties. I like one called Asyla. I think it is in the $50-$60 range. It's quite unique.