Good point. That's a whole other thing. But dont you live out in Cali where all that man on man "sport" is viewed more positively than it is in...
I know some great women basketball players. But I can say that a woman, no matter how good she is, cannot compete with men. And shouldn't. If...
Guess he backed them down just like like they were a German platoon.
Crying on Senior Day is 100% acceptable knowing you will never take the home field in college ever again. Not bawling your eyes out like a baby,...
Had he lost a NC game in a close hard fought battle, I'd give him a pass. A few tears after a tough important loss is acceptable occasionally....
Then you sir, are well within your rights. If you didn't sign and agree to the terms, you're not bound by them. Apparently the homeowner in this...
Now you are a true Saints fan for knowing that. I went to that place near the end and it was a dump.
They took our dues and built a really nice neighborhood playground for the kids in my neighborhood. Next year they're deciding between a swimming...
Aaron Brooks?
Agree 100%. Like I said earlier, there are tons of houses in unrestricted neighborhoods - why would you move into one with a HOA if you hate them...
Since Tebow's has been at Florida, I have only watched a game where they lost 3 times. I have seen Tim Teboy cry 3 times. I know he's a very...
She had 9 completions and one drop that was sure to be a TD. No pick sixes. Sign her up!
Every team has bandwagon fans when they are doing well, especially as successful as the Saints have been. And then there's lots of casual fans...
There was an article on the MSN home page yesterday with a link to a short video clip of the story but I can't find it now. The flag and it's...
I dont see this hire as job security for Crowton. I think he's still on the way out. I doubt Les is willing to wager his future at LSU on...
It's just he principle of renegotiating a prenup in this situation. The only reason I can see Tiger doing this is because he loves his wife and...
The essence of your post is the reason for my statement. I'm a relatively big and strong guy at 6'2" 260ish but know that a 5'7" 145 pound...
He is 90 so it could be a non issue any day now. Acceptible compromise by me. :thumb:
That's actually a viewpoint I didn't think of. However, what's the criteria for getting an exemption? If you do it for him, do you have to do it...
This doesn't sound anything like how Vietnam played out. US involved in military action abroad to "help" the local population and give them...