When you fill out an online bowl bracket, you not only pick what team you think will win the game, but you also arrange each pick according to how...
Tiga is a good guy.
We're all well aware that LSU is the first 2 loss team to get into the BCS national championship game, and will be the first 2 time winner of the...
[MEDIA] :crystal:
I'm glad you all enjoy my posts and my forum. I'd like to thank my parents, who stood behind me for every post, it wouldn't be possible without...
Excellent video, by the way. I watched it twice.
It's by the band Saliva. Might be called Ladies and Gentlemen.
Brady ball = undisciplined and unorganized ball
Even if it was an intentional dirty hit on Mcgahee, how on earth does that make Ohio State a dirty team based on the actions of one player? Not to...
#15 A.J. Trapasso [IMG] [IMG]
#37 Thaddeus Gibson [IMG] [IMG]
#68 Evan Blankenship [IMG] [IMG]
#74 Kirk Barton Photos [IMG] [IMG]
Re: Flynn may not play. I thought it was the state Jack was in after a big fat joint.:huh: :grin:
#96 Jacob McQuaide [IMG] [IMG]
#36 Brian Rolle [IMG] [IMG]
This thread is a bit comical.:hihi: You've got a couple of parties arguing about the true definition of a "lie", with some serious talk about...
#95 Chris Rietschlin [IMG] [IMG] Win, lose, or draw...."life goes on".
#15 Kyle Ruhl [IMG] [IMG]
#28 Chris Wells [IMG] [IMG]