Just wow. To think that a person would stuff a spatula AND a salami in his pants when he already has "other goods" in there. O_o :P
Looks like something that might be stuck into the cavity of a bird.
Mis'sippi Tigah Member Since: Jan 13, 2004 Messages: 57 Likes Received: 9 Trophy Points: 8 Mis'sippi Tigah was last seen: Viewing forum LSU...
lashknee Member Since: Mar 16, 2006Messages:0 lashknee was last seen: Viewing thread Nice hinie thread, 8 minutes ago :D
Will probably be a little easier without the "what is it" avatar. O_o NFLPA wanting to investigate the saints for unfair contract negotiations.
Personally, I hope we get to blow up a condom in 2014.
Yep, a mouth full of them.
I thought this thread said "Josh Booty" commits, and I started having flashbacks.
Without starting another thread with the same title, zona takes game one of the cws against the cacks....
This article is phucking retarded. Staples must've smoked a fat joint before he wrote this shit. Straight up hallucination.
WTF. Poor Timmay.
Who are you and what have you done with kal-el? ;)