That plan is shit. It equates to a massive power grab. Every goal of this plan robs us of liberty and invests more power in the government....
My Grammie made a mean possum and nutria gumbo.
Coon is awesome if it is cleaned right. You skin it wrong and it is greasy as hell. The other really tasty animal people get grossed out by is...
I had a friend whose family escaped from NK to SK. The North Koreans are so indoctrinated and brainwashed that is is literally unfathomable. My...
Andrea gone get raped.
Those needle dicks don't have a weaponized nuke or a delivery system.
Rick is from Kentucky, and the prison is somewhere in Georgia possibly. Distance and location kind of got ambiguous in between them leaving the...
I should have gone to SXSW.
So what effect is this going to have on the life of the stadium? Do all these improvements and additions put off the eventual move to a stadium...
Does anyone know why Elliot Porter wasn't at practice yesterday? I read Williford and Pocic were getting the reps at center and Porter was absent.
Only one thing left to do. Win the whole fucking thing.
Man that game was hard to sit through. Can't wait for tomorrow.
Christ kissed and washed the feet ofthe Apostles the night before the Last Supper. The priest does this at the Holy Thursday mass every year.
First non-European pope since Victor in the late 2nd century.
Yeah, a baby is like a dinner bell every 4 hours.
You may be right, and dealing with the baby may create some interesting plot lines. Trying to hide from zombies with a screaming infant could be...
So, who dies to end the season. Here are my predictions: Team Prison loses: Beth Judith Hershel but adds Tyrese Andrea Tyrese's daughter...
I was taking Thursday and Friday off to go to SXSW. I changed plans and am now heading to Nashville for the tournament.
To the contrary, many of the Eastern Rite churches allow priests to be married. I think the shortage of priests in the western world will lead to...
I think if you read the John Jay report you would back off that statement. The Church had many failings in how sexual abuse was handled, but the...