how do you know?
not enough info. but i know that he had a huge leg up on the 99.999% with rich parents, prep schools and trust funds. i know that at least...
good. now if we could just get the ncaa to ban athletic scholarships.
how does the fact that infrastructure comes from taxes that businesses in part (be curious to know their relevant rate) fund invalidate b.o.'s...
“The brave men and women of our military make tremendous sacrifices to protect and defend our freedoms, and we should do everything we can to...
the same people that are scared of china (a group that doesnt include me) dont know/care enough not to shop at the worlds largest retailer whose...
“This lawsuit seeks to treat all Ohio citizens equally under the law,” Bob Bauer, attorney for President Obama’s campaign committee, said. “We...
Stupid americans won't stop shopping at Walmart even with their strong fear of china, so why would we expect them to stop eating at chikfila? And...
12banks set the rate
B.o. Is a shoe-in. The electoral college is a bitch.
Tommy Frazier, Charlie ward, Heath shuler and Eric crouch were pretty average (compared to the ow, Vick, newton).. But very successful (although...
i think "portions" works quite well.
closest ever. and first time the #2 (and also #3) had more first place votes than #1. i assume this means that bama #1 voters put so cal #3 and...
and based on what he has pledged so far. either he's going to do this drastic stuff i wrote, or he will flip (again) link was provided for all...
this is only going to make conservative's children fatter.
i endorsed the check over to john mccain because he was a great pilot and a real americun. ps i recommend that you do not read jonathan swift.
Romney aint gonna win by spittin out this stuff "Mitt Romney’s plan to overhaul the tax code... for the average tax bill? Millionaires would get...
he wanted to transfer but the pedophile enabler wouldnt let him go.
thats a riot! :D :confused:
real americuns work hard, dont take nothin from the government, dont have weird last names and only eat at chickfila. taxed enough already!---no...