Oh hell I didn't even look at who posted it I thought it was Kyle since we been goin back and forth. Only experience fishin in Cali is drifting...
Those days like that you gotta get in the deeper holes up on the bayous bays of rivers. Still doesn't mean they'll bite but if they're gonna be...
will do. usually they are planned a couple weeks+ out but of course there are those that pop up last minute too but I will let you know. Goin...
Depends on time of year....spring i get em on the oyster reefs, summer catch them scattered all over while speck and flounder fishing, fall get em...
Thanks I gotta get my little girl on one soon. She's wanting to go bad but in the little boat I can't really bring em both yet. Gotta get my big...
Tryin to watch this bama a&m game but I had to turn the sound off and just have some music playing with game muted. I cannot listen to those 2
And one with em stirred in ice for kyle:) [IMG]
Was iffy on bringing him this morning with the cool temp and wind but stayed close and protected and it wasn't bad. Bout 90 min he put 60 in the...
i have heard many people talk about em getting mushy, hard to clean etc but I have never seen any of that I guess bc ive been doin so long and do...
nah. they taste however you cook them which is pretty much what a chicken does. so if you cook em the same way you cook chicken then they prob...
yea I've got one my buddy's dad made about 50 years ago. Him my grandpaw, great uncle and others had a similar crew years ago that they did the...
Obviously can see em better with the ice taken out than one like this where they all buried [IMG]
yea we eat em but not every time....just depends on whats goin on. I dont just kill every one I come across....if they are in the woods or...
I leave the ice in the bags or the froze bottles while fishing and throw the fish on top.....then when I am done I can just pull the bags/bottles...
2 deep freezers that I keep full for hunting season and for those lulls when I cant go get it fresh for whatever reason. But we eat fish minimum...
wasn't the penalty called on a player that was right of the ball being offsides and not against the kicker for touching the ball to early? When...
Well in the spirit of bustin balls.....I'll say bring it on.....but until you get some kinda decent report of your own to contribute might want to...
Naw it's cool. He's just mad that he can't do any of it is all.
Loaded up fri evenin and headed to my cabin for the 3 day weekend to work and hunt a little. Got bout half way there and had some tire issues....