WTF? You mean Gausman's NOT coming back? This thread got my hopes up! :mad: :D
Because no one outside of the who dat nation likes the Saints. Green Bay on the other hand is where the bar was set decades ago. They're on...
Looks like a footpeg for an old motorcycle.
I've got a perfect one for you, sir. :D
Unfortunately, they will most likely not even make it out of their own conference.
Yep, negotiating ploy. He isn't coming back. That's just wishful thinking on our part as fans.
Probably a better answer than mine. :)
I wonder how much money RGIII actually makes off of his name being used in the game/commercial.
"Blue has been a warrior in the weight room during off-season workouts, boasting a 340 pound bench press and 430 squat yet displaying breakaway...
Looks like a molding tool for a lathe.
Anywhere to pick it up online?
Good point. Their starters would definitely be comparable, if not better in spots, but I still think their bench is shit.
Wow. I just love when people think they know something about me and decide to put words in my mouth. That's cute.
All these guys are ring chasers, nothing more. Sellouts. There's no such thing as loyalty to your franchise, or to the players who made your...
Sonnen is pretty arrogant, but I guess what I was referring to as far as Silva is concerned, if I remember correctly, was UFC 112, when Dana White...
Maybe the Saints need a shit year so they can draft a top notch QB. (pot stirring) ;)
They gave up way too much for a 38 year old, I don't care who he is, he's 38. He isn't on the same level he was 5 years ago. Just like Gary...
I hope the American beats his cocky ass, but it's really difficult for me to bet against Silva.
Yep, and of course Brees isn't going to mention that publicly, because that's just the guy he is. Almost makes you wonder if they didn't know...
That's funny.