A hint of arrogance in Tuscaloosa?
Can't wait. Sorry Bart Scott, but millions of others said it before you.
Herb, shouldn't this be in the "The gumps are a bunch of dumbfucks who don't proofread" thread? :P
Please, make it stop. I can't stand watching it any longer. His incoherent mumbling and head-twitching are making me smh and lol. :p
The 5 heads are all different sizes. Some sort of multi-tool?
Counterweight for a doohickey.
All that's left is to play the games, the polls will take care of themselves.
Yep, only LSU won't throw the ball near as often, and Mallett had a tendency to fade in the waning moments and choke.
I've noticed this also. There's a fine line between arrogance and confidence and he's flirting with it. Almost reminds me of Ryan Mallett during...
Yep. Change in scheme didn't seem to matter against a shit team. Blackmon is gonna be a beast.
Your argument is moot. Your pretending to know the thoughts of another human being is ridiculous. With that being said, if the reports are true,...
How the hell do you know what he thought?? That's bullshit, none of us have a phucking clue, we weren't there, yet we all speculate. Don't...
Won't do any good. Goodell's still a bitch. Live up to the recent rep, that money would be better served using it as a payoff for a "hit" and take...
Roger Goodell doesn't want to see a team even remotely have a chance at a "home game" in a super bowl. Smear campaign to even the playing field...
When I first saw the thread title I initially thought it was the work of the mighty Keontay.
I guess I haven't posted enough recently to make such a distinguished list. Give me time, and a nice avatar change and a couple of disagreements...
Maybe Eric Reid? Or they'll leave it empty and everyone will have it on their cleats or something.
I, for one, admit he hasn't lived up to the hype, but hope Russell Shepard comes out this season and gives all the negatigers a fist in the mouth,...