I guess Ticket "Scalping" should be banned, too. :hihi:
High End - Sullivan's (College Dr Area ), Ruffino's (On Highland, formerly Dinardo's) Mid Range - The Chimes (Near Campus), J. Alexander's (Mall...
IMO, the Sat tickets would go in his name, with no transfer to your name in the foreseeable future. I don't think they will let him buy tickets...
The official one-time transfer period ended last year. Tickets are generally, non-transferable. The work-around is to have that person continue...
Just providing a little community service to our TF members. :grin: Thanks for clarifying my memory. Must have been a bit foggy. Not sure...
Sports and Murphy's tried the whole pee in the floor routine years ago.
There are bound to be others just like it, or have the internet nazis blocked google, too.
You need to start writing down some of this material... :hihi: If we can put a seismograph on the field to measure how much the stadium moves...
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to red55 again.
This is the only delay I am expecting. 16 days, 3 hr, 46 min, and 10 sec, give or take.
http://www.the-cloak.com You go to this website, and then you can discreetly surf other websites without the IPs getting blocked by big...
Its probably right. They hired an exec who previously worked for other fast food companies like Taco Bell to take them big time. All part of the...
Get that J-O-B with the signing bonus so you can pay for your seat licensing fees. There is always a chance. In all likelihood, lower bowl might...
Since when did the bacon wrapped shrimp make the heart-healthy menu? :hihi: They do a lot of grilled entrees at Mr. B's, but you have to...
Now this is what street justice is all about.
From the linked document, "The federal sugar subsidy program is comprised of government-backed loans, price supports, and import quotas. The...
Trey Yuen is very good, as is Five Happiness down in New Orleans. Now if you can find the China Doll on the Westbank, you really have something...
I use Zatarain's Chow-Chow on my red beans and white beans. I also like those little white cocktail onions as a side to my red beans. My wife is...
I believe it is gone for good. Never ate there, but the few people I knew who had, spoke very highly of it.
We do offer a wide assortment of greek/lebanese joints. Almost to the point of wondering how they stay in business with no much competition. But...