It seems likely that he is lying about what his secratary pays. To pay an effective rate of 34% she either would have to make a fuck ton of...
The only example I could think of is an elite professional athlete who makes millions of dollars a year, and does not take part in any type of tax...
You would have to have an AGI in excess of $2.5 Million in W-2 income to have an effective rate of 34%. We are probably talking gross earnings...
you realize Buffet lied when he told that tale right? He compared his effective rate to her top marginal rate, and he exaggerated that.
We should ban mass shootings.
10 rounds is horseshit. I mean, shit I havesemi-automatic I have a semi automatic 22 rifle that holds 17 rounds.
Sure. First the basic inputs are wrong. FICA tax for employee is 6.2% and it is the same for the employer. So on $30,000 the annual tax would be...
The math is wrong in the above.
There are lots of proponents of flat tax systems. The problem is a flat income tax still results in regressive taxation, as other taxes still...
Maybe we should require WellCare recipients to work or receive job training. Oh shit. I forgot. We already do that.
Tim Barfield said they would like to structure it in a manner that is revenue neutral to the state and taxpayer. To acheive this the state would...
The CBO projection summed up that the fiscal cliff fix would result in 4 trillion in additional debt vs. outcomes in nothing would have been done....
Funny, because I watch 0 cable news. I guess it is easier to call me names than to accept the fact that it is Obama policies that will lead to 4...
Because his policies are terrible. More taxes for more spending, not deficit reduction. He isn't even a good Keynesian. How is anyone else...
Ok, so like I thought. The Gorvernor's office hasn't said anything publically. We'll see what form this takes when legislation is drafted.
Can you link to that. I just haven't seen any comments from the Governor's office regarding details. Folks I know at DOR and LED say details...
I will wait on the details efore I pass judgement. Our retail sales tax couldn't possibly be much higher without causing enormous pain for the...
Fact: We all know what part of Bourbon Street CS likes. It is the part near the intersection of St. Anne.
Otro You should lean how Welfare works. All your complaints are based on how you imagine the program to be, and not how it actuales is.
No, friend. You have this wrong. If no deal had been reached all the Bush curs would have expired and we would have a had a deficit that is 4...