So my semi automatic .243 with a bottom loading magazine is not an assualt weapon when it has the standard stock and seven round magazine, but is...
Whatever happened with Deng Deng?
This isn't really a tax as the IRS can't assess a penalty if you don't pay it. It is more like a suggestion. Look, if you don't have insurance...
Why is the government making any comment on the speech of its citizens. That isn't the governments role.
There are other worlds and universes to exploit. During the entire course of humanity you have time to figure out how to go to an alternate earth...
Right a black man or a gay man is still a man and falls within the bell curve of physical abilities of men. Women don't do that.
It seems simple to me. The minimum standard is the minimum standard. Great for the one in a million shemale who wants to be in combat. We can't...
Are they going to do away with the separate standards for men and women, or will women in combat roles have to meet the same standards men do?
This tEam has some hustle in them. I really enjoy watching Shavon Coleman play.
I'd wear that to excercise or something. I would never wear something like that to work. I have a Rolex. It was given to my grandfather when...
Holy Shit!!! Forty Generations? How many ancestors is that? A couple hundred thousand? When you say a couple lines what do you mean? Did you...
Isn't like 90% of the world descended from Charlemagne. My geneology on my maternal grandmother's side breaks down at the French Revoloution....
When speaking in terms of GAAP an estimate or assumption is not a wild ass guess. The reasonableness of these assumptions is subject to several...
Because the lie is in line with the narrative of the administration, that the rich are getting away with something. CBO data indicates the rich...
But to be paying a rate of 34% she would have to be makeing between 2.5 and 3 million. Unless he is adding employee and employer share of payroll...
I agree that sales taxes tend to be regressive however I am not sure I agree with your example. Grocery purchases are currently exempt from state...
You have a valid point. Vandal Savage, a DC Comics immortal, sold his soul for an end to his eternal bordom. After 100,000 years he was just so...
Race draft.
I'm shocked and enraged that an upperclassman with a proven nose for the football thinks he could diagnose a play better than a freshman. Rabble...
The correct answer is immortality. You don't need stupid time travel gimmicks to get rich when your investing period is forever.