But the cut is fully offset by new revenues from tuition increases.
Seeing as how my salary is based on a 40 hour week, and I normally work 60-70... yes. Yes I do.
Smith is gone, too little production. Vilma my get an offer to stay, but I doubt it.
So to me the pressing questions from this episode are: Where is Tyrese and crew? Are they close enpough to the prison to have heard the...
He goes to my church when he is in town. Dude's back is six feet across.
I was really impressed with O'Bryant tonight. Even though he was destroying them single hadedly he didn't force anything. If it wasn't there he...
No. The Ghost always was the third person of the Trinity. The theological exercise led the Council to that conclusion.
A theological excercise that resulted in the Council of Nicea issuing a bull that stated each of the trinitarian persons are a separate person...
My grandfather would punch you in the face if you said coonass around him.
From what I have been told the budget cuts took place after season 2 and before season 3, and that most of the cuts were "above the line." Above...
How do any of the verses you cited conradict each other? You repeating that they do, void of any context does not make it so. Make your case....
You don't piss me off.
They are only contradictions if they are spoken in the same context. None of the items you have pointed out are. That is not relevant....
The things you are pointing out in scripture are not contradictions. They are speaking to different matters. If you said the tree has brown...
No what is shows is that given a propper context your interpretation of Corinthians is wrong. Already answered. Scripture does not say...
When I say you are taking the quotes out of context I mean this: the various books of the Bible were written to particular audiences with a...
An accurate example, and first you must understand that scripture is only a part of the deposit of faith, and it is not the source of all church...
None of the items you aserted are deviations from the teachings of the apostles. They aren't teachings at all. I already did. Paul referring...
None of the objections you presented were examples of dogma. Dogma is a doctrine of faith that the Church presents as necessary to be beleived....
Not one of these is an objection to a church dogma. The titles of priest and religious are of course not matters of dogma. They are honorific...