Who goes to Sonic and gets fries? The reason their fries suck so bad is because all the sane people get tots. They just don't care aboutthe half...
You are missing the point. You are also dead wrong on the CBO projections. They are a snapshot of where we are now AND a projection of where weare...
I could potentially join a pool with younger, healthier people.
Right, but the negotiation is retarded by the government regulation which fixes a percentage of the compensation.
And more on this. I would be much better off in a pool. I am slim and healthy. Sticking a guy like me into a plan with a bunch of old and fat...
So instead of coersive regulations why not allow ease up on the regulatory environment and let individuals pool together in collectives? But fuck...
Premiums are about to increase drastically for small groups and individuals. Just like every expert said they would during the debates over...
No friend. The way it should be is that an EE and an ER work out a compensation package that is mutually agreeable. When government forces costs...
I already did so. You said the projection is based on 8% unemployment and 1.4% economic growth for ten years. That isn't true. Those numbers were...
Forcing employers to provide certain benefits reduces negotiating power on both ends. Do you reject this assertion? If you do you are wrong....
Look friend, I asked too simple questions. Here they are again? 1) Why are employer's responsible for their employee's healthcare? 2) Why...
I don't know what you can't grok here. I have said it very clearly twice. The proposed budget in the OP would move us in the direction of...
Why is it an employers responsibility to provide healthcare for their workers? Why does the government need to get involved and reduce the...
What you are describing is functioning market where employees and employers negotiate compensation packages. Obamacare destroys that.
That budget proposal mimics the western socialism ideas that have nearly bankrupted several European nations, and threaten the economic stability...
So you want a budget that increases medicare, social security spending? You want a budget that increases taxes by roughly 25%? You think that is...
So who is forcing the employees to go work for the company that doesn't offer benefits? What if the employee doesn't want health insurance, but...
No she means loose like Christ giving the apostles the ability to bind and loose things.
Why do you favor increased government spending?