Who's a better coach- Brady or Curly Hallman? Curly did beat Bama. The UK and Miss St. games could be really ugly to watch.
I know we won the first game against the slime with Mestepey, but didn't Skip put him in game 3 as well?
That makes it tougher- now I only have 6 letters to work with. If I was Ramah, I'd go ahead and get LSUNC04.
What about Lane Mestepey pitching about 90 innings against the Green Slime in the Super Regional (even though we lost)?
Thanks for the suggestions thus far. I'll post a photo of the final product when it is available.
I am going to get a personalized LSU license plate in FL. As most of the really good ones are probably already taken, I am asking for ideas. I...
It looks like the whole trophy package is 12.5". What size do you think the football will be? ie, is it still like the paperweight?
If you had $500 to spend and could only get one item, what would it be?
"There's something I want to tell all of you..."
"We're number two!"
Feel the excitement
Look at these huge crowds:
I pulled this photo off the official USC football web page.
Is Bama over the salary cap for '04 yet?
Does anyone know how to download and save the shockwave intro that comes up in fightintigahs.com?
TT- Why didn't you post your source when asked? What would you say if I posted something now like "Hill definitely back" and then would give...
Please ban Tony Tiger
West of Tallahassee is central.
So you weren't in central lockup after all! Welcome back
Who says it is a player-- maybe VB himself is unloading.