many said (before the game) that OU was the best team ever. sadly for you, this years OU is not. its defense is quite average.
you certainly dont see a jack hunt or danny mccray on the field
big news. i said that weeks ago.
its funny, oregonand okla are bitter but ohiost is gracious.
jj is probably not quite ready if he were reinstated, but may need him against an opponent or two.
i would like to see shep in the backfield with ford and have shep run fly routes like faulk used to.
could lose to just about any of the remaining opponents. besides teams that mirror lsu (bama, ou) id be most worried about a team that can score...
its been a long time, but way out on the east side id check fox and hound. there is/was "the bayou" in midtown.
i met an australian while in grad school. took her to an lsu game. happened to be the 97 uf game. probably wouldnt have married me if we'd lost.
if youre gonna gush about pp and his awesome return while he was being picked on all game by newton and the panthers, you better give big props to...
this is an sec road game, and its not against an overmatched team. more than likely, this will be very tough and could go either way.
ive been watching it. the qb doesnt look good either and he's supposed to be a strength. the have one playmaker wr but nothing like devine,...
hey noob. its negative against polls, not lsu. are you professing love for polls?
all polls this early in the season are stoopid, even the ones with LSU at #1
the "spearing" attempt was one of the cases where the receiver dropped down and loston lowered his head to get lower not to spear. to me there is...
what was with all the hype about beckham's mom while his dad was in friday night lights?
the ugly on lsu's side was the missed pat, the totally unforced TO and the handful of inaccurate passes. honestly, probably typical ugliness for...
i think the main thing is how well lsu's D stops their O. other than that its how much confidence does jl have, especially after the first hit or...
its a shame that the game isnt in TS. the ducks should get to experience a real football game for once. been to eugene a few times, it has a...
yes. all our athletes better not take the tag off their mattresses. "a Student may be formally charged with a violation of this Code and be...