you make it sound like doing something (especially as effortless as you describe) specifically to benefit the environment is stupid.
i dont know. you said "every product on earth...blah blah trade". and that aint free trade. there are tons of things that business...
wow. you fail. the bill of rights (and constitution) apply to people and not just americans. unless in another country, but even that is...
wow. i hope you dont do hiring for aig
this is only because of the republicans in The House, dummy.
i was sarcastically playing conservative to your progressive side. normally around here you get a response like mine if you even hint that people...
if you dont think there arent neighborhoods like that then you havent been around much. crappy convenience stores like this are in blighted urban...
nuance, tom. the cupboard was bare after his first season. then he had to clean house, so to speak, getting rid of graham, harris and spencer....
fans are unreasonable if they are disappointed about the season and concerned about the program. i expected this and i have no idea how you could...
but he had a mother and she valued education. and obama is a smart guy. what if he was stupid and had a crack whore mother? anyway, why do...
obviously its not a good situation, but i cant imagine that it will be even 1/10 as bad as chernobyl.
there was a professor (of nutrition i think) that recently ate nothing but twinkies for a month and lost weight. but you know people dont have...
this is not free trade. complete absence of regulations stifle free trade just as over-regulation does.
the only problem i had with the hearings is that king is stupid and is obviously funnelling crap and called crap testimony. if he wanted a real...
theyve already released radioactivity in attempts to prevent the core from melting and the half life depends on the isotope not the element....
i remember libby did this (and turned down bonus) but his successor did too? last name ben--something. i thought i remembered a stink about him...