How did this stick? This has to be the most assinine thing I think you could ever call a opposing fan....? Especially since they stole the...
Did you really need to ask? OF COURSE THEY WOULD CLAIM A NC
you cannot say that LSU didn't weaken your opponent. Brodie might have nightmares for the rest of his life... dreams in purple, gold, red, and...
Definetly had a blast this year at Bama... good food and mostly friendly people...
its been a while... hmmm... perhaps getting his life back together? maybe the internet doesnt rank too high in the scheme of things?
Claim a "AP" National Championship.... see thats where USC screwed up... they think they won THE National championship... but im pretty sure I...
And Honestly, there would be no hard feelings... He's a talented quarterback. He could start ANYWHERE else in the country. Just not at LSU....
haha gotcha :thumb:
and what a non-entertaining turd it is... :mad:
whoa whoa whoa.... I seem to recall LSU BEATING Ole Miss that year... [IMG] Ohhhhh I get it... Coach Orgeron has implemented the USC mindset......
Ive been hearing how LSU is more than likely going to play west virginia in a bowl game... or maybe even south florida... Is It Just me or is...
The Florida and Bama Fans that were watching the game with me were even pissed that it switched to that game... hahaha
like a situational QB? I'd like to see the option run every now and then.... just to confuse people.....
I'd say he's going to shock everyone and go to tennessee... He could easily beat out Ainge for the position... Ainge is the MOST OVERHYPED SEC QB...
thing is... Who does everyone see backing up jamarcus next year? Does Flynn come in for mop up, or does perrilloux get his time to shine?
I'd say it a good problem!
true, but the guy has GREAT form... you can't argue that. Even though JR looks like machine more and more each passing game... you can tell he's...
I was deep behind enemy lines that whole weekend... flaunting LSU gear everywhere... even the montgomery mall, and the stanhope highschool...
and we got bumped, basically for rescheduling games... from the worst natural disaster to ever hit the united states...
If that was their best, I'd hate to see their worst! hardy har har! Those announcers were garbage.... did anyone catch them saying that Auburn...