Just bored... and I was listening to the conference on geaux zone...
Oooo! The hype is exposed! Les Miles wins this hands down... Just to have a winning record with all the stuff this team has endured... amazing...
I didn't post that he was a bad speaker. All I said was that it was annoying sometimes to hear him say "uhhh and umm" all the time... Maybe you...
Dude.. that crap is FUNNY! :rofl: The best was the hobbit one (because yes, brodie is like a ringo-starr-hobbity man) and the press...
listen, don't get me wrong, I LIKE HEARING WHAT MILES HAS TO SAY. I think he is a good coach... maybe he should go through some speech classes?...
what a terrible choice....
I wish Miles was still crazy like he was at OSU :(
after listening to the Ole miss conference... I like a lot of the stuff he says... but a lot of the times all I hear is: "Uhh..umm..uhh...we...
[IMG] nice back muscles... impressive...
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Hawker45 again.
Welcome Aboard!
the lsu pimps? pimpnation.com or something... the lsu guy dressed in bama stuff lost a bet... so he had to dress up as a bama whore.... hahaha:rofl:
I told him to have fun :wink: and that he was the man.... well what do you know: [IMG] :thumb:
[IMG] hahah! from the cajun fest up here in virginia... is this a sign? :rofl:
My seat/view: [IMG] These guys were tanked! [IMG] Right before talking to Bowe: [IMG] I love my camera phone!
pretty ballsy, actually... I thought RP was kind of cocky! :hihi:
Character... very strong character...
Love your quote!
Well, there goes our reputation... oh wait, its not LSU, so no one in the media cares... :angry: