Dammit, LSU can't buy a basket. I don't know what there fg% is this half but it can't be over 30%.
That's right jarad it's brady's fault that LSU can't make a basket and can't rebound, not the players.
What is it with LSU and turnovers in the 2nd half? Against Arkansas they had something like 17 in the 2nd half and today they already have 2 in...
The IAEA finally voted to send Iran to the Security Council by a vote of 27-3 with 5 abstaining....
See if you can guess who said that. I'll give you a hint, it was Augustine in his 13th sermon. Here is another good quote from St. Augustine from...
That woman will become a senator the day that God heals my moms polio.
Unfortunately no, I have class and I already missed last weeks so I need to go. However, when we play Auburn I will be there.
I should be there in the student section.
I had a long reply but my computer crapped out and i lost it so i'll have to give it to you on monday because i'm about to leave and go out of town.
The Golden Rule is actually Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with...
Scripture is defined as adequate equipment and nothing else is needed. If something else was needed then scripture wouldn't be "adequate...
What are you talking about? How are they not talking of the trinitarian nature of GOD? Jesus says he is the first and the last, alpha and omegan,...
The word trinity is never actually said in the Bible but that doesn't mean we wouldn't have any understanding of it without tradition. In fact...
No on has seen God's full glory, although Moses came the closest when God allowed moses to see his back on Mt. Sinai. Every other time it says...
Catholics venerate "saints" as having some special connection to God when in fact every believer is called a saint and has the same connection to...
No denomination is 100% correct in all of it's teachings, not southern baptist, the RCC, methodist, etc. The only time we will have perfect...
I take offense to USC being called a bunch of gimps. I don't want them in my ranks.:lol:
I meant more along the lines of the Bill of Rights and the other rights granted not pertaining to voting and holding public office.
I've always believed the same thing as salty about the literacy of the Bible and that the earth was created in a literal 6 days. I also believe...